Our learning support program serves the entire school community and is designed to help each student feel and be successful at school. Programs administered through this department include differentiated instruction for all learners, special supports for students who struggle and/or excel, the school-wide assessment program, learning intervention groups, and ongoing teacher education and support.
Students with testing on file documenting a specific disability qualify for a Personalized Education or Accommodation Plan (PEP/PAP) and are eligible for a program of classroom accommodations determined by the learning specialist in consultation with teachers, parents, and the principal.
The learning support coordinator works closely with local public school districts, private organizations, therapists, and tutors to ensure accurate identification of student needs and collaborative support for such needs. Individualized academic and behavioral support programs are written and implemented to assist with classroom success. Families are an integral part of the entire process and kept informed of student progress in various ways.
We make every effort to help our students through classroom accommodations and learning interventions. We must ask that parents respect our professional judgment in this area, and support our recommendations; this cooperation ensures that students can productively remain at Holy Family Catholic School. We also ask that parents share any and all educational testing to help us meet our students’ needs. Confidential testing material is treated with extreme sensitivity and care. Occasionally, even with intervention, a student presents needs beyond the resources we have; we will make every effort to work with a family towards mutually agreeable placement for those students.