PTO Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesdays each month 7:00 p.m. in Celebration Hall JOIN THE PTO BOARD! Contact us: Let’s talk! WHAT WE DO The Parent-Teacher Organization acts as a liaison between parents and the faculty, SAC, and parish pastor. Through PTO fundraising, we finance class activities, field trips, educational presentations and school assemblies. PTO hosts community/social activities, plans presentations for parents on issues pertinent to raising and educating children, and provides the very useful School Directory. Volunteering for a PTO event is a great way to gain Fair Share hours! PTO relies on volunteers for a variety of roles:
- assist with events: shop for food items, set-up/tear-down of equipment, laundry
- serve food/beverages at events
- provide food for celebrations
- assist with communications, database management, marketing skills
- coordinate BottleDrop
PTO MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the PTO is to provide a forum for communication, which fosters supportive parental involvement to assist in implementing the Holy Family Catholic School mission. OBJECTIVES To promote open communication among parents, teachers, and administration. To provide parents and teachers with the information to aid in all aspects of education, growth, and development. To promote goodwill and cooperation between and among parents. To direct and coordinate parental support to Holy Family Catholic School through assistance activities, social functions, and fundraisers. MEMBERSHIP If you are a parent or guardian of a Holy Family student, you are a member of PTO! Faculty, Principal, and Pastor are considered members, as well. ELECTIONS Each Spring, elections are held for officer positions (think: Fair Share hours!) QUESTIONS/SUGGESTIONS E-mail PTO with questions or suggestions: